English Language Library :: Guanajuato

We are now open at our location in Plaza San Fernando!… a larger, multi-use space, near bustling foot traffic. Come to our next Meet & Greet.

The English Language Library of Guanajuato offers a collection of books in English for the benefit of the English literate communities, both expat and native, of the City of Guanajuato, Mexico. If you are new in town, it’s a good place to get make connections with these communities. We also serve as a hub for cultural events including film showings, readings, language intercambios, and other gatherings.

Normal Hours

  • Monday through Saturday : : 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Closed Sunday

More about us…

The library is staffed by volunteers! If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact us.

Also, please consider supporting the library by becoming a member: annual at $500 pesos or monthly at $50 pesos. Gracias!

Please be aware, we are a lending library, not a bookstore.

Check out our “Take a book, Bring a book” English Language Book Exchanges:

  • The Centro book exchange is at Casa Cuatro (the bookcase is upstairs near the children’s area).
  • A second book exchange is on Paseo de la Presa at the La Victoriana restaurant building (through the hallway and to the right)
  • Book exchanges can also be found at the Presa and Sangre de Cristo Cafe Tals.

All books should be placed on the shelves.

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