Category: discussion
Why Literature? | Poems and Fragments
Bring Favorite pieces to read slowly and clearly. Poems and short prose fragments. Discussion to follow. Traiga sus obras favoritas para leerlas despacio y con claridad. Poemas y fragmentos breves en prosa. Seguiremos con el debate. Starting Thursday, September 12 at 6 pm. Monthly the second Thursday of each month. The English Language Library. Proximo…
GTO ELL/Presa 97 Roundtable Discussion on Book Banning | 6 pm May 13 at Presa 97
The world is facing more book bans than any time since the Red Scares of the Cold War 1950s. The American Library Association documented 1,269 demands of book censorship in 2022. In 2023, the number was even higher, with 4,240 different book titles challenged nationwide. Of course, this being a time for challenges of all…